Four Things To Consider When Hiring A Pavement Sweeping Contractor

Hiring A Sweeper The process to hire a power sweeping contractor for your pavement isn’t much different in some ways than hiring any other contractor. Like with other contractors, it is of the utmost importance to find a company that is reputable and knowledgeable. Ideally, you want a company that has the experience to both […]
Sweeper Summit 2022

Sweeper Summit Sweeper Summit is the only national sweeping industry specific hands on outdoor trade show and conference open to attend for all sweeping industry professionals. This unique conference and trade show is hosted by 1-800-SWEEPER each year and draws a wide range of sweeping industry professionals, including professionals affiliated with the North American Power […]
Is It Time To Re-stripe?

Stripes and other traffic markings in your parking lots that are crisp and clear is one of the most immediately reliable ways to give a fresh appearance to your paved surfaces. If you are not sure whether fresh parking lot striping is the best move, consider your aesthetic objectives. Here are three good indicators that […]
Situations That Are Unusual While Power Sweeping

When our operators are out providing power sweeping services, they occasionally encounter unbelievable situations. Every one of our operators, at one time or another, has observed something unusual that made them scratch their head and wonder why on earth anyone would do such a thing. Some of these things have happened more than once-and these […]
Attract & Keep Clients With A Clean & Neat Facility

A Cleaner Parking LotWhy bother with parking lot cleaning and professional power sweeping? Parking lots that are regularly maintained and kept clean are more likely to attract more customers. Messy parking lots not only have the potential to deter customers from entering or returning, but they also have the potential to become liability issues. With […]
Searching For a Quality Sweeping Contractor

When you are choosing a power sweeping service provider, there are no one size fits all options. There are multiple considerations that factor into the process of searching for a sweeping contractor. Here are some recommendations and relevant questions to keep in mind to ask. This will help you choose a sweeping service provider that […]
What’s The Deal With Winter Sweeping?

For many people, the months following the rush of the holidays provide a season to recover, hibernate, and maybe, just maybe plan for the coming year. However, if you are managing any type of property or street, now is not the time to put your property maintenance on hold! Sure, traffic may have decreased slightly […]
The Holiday Season Has Arrived!

At Smith Property Maintenance, we love the holiday season. The arrival of December brings with it lots of festive celebrations, moments spent with cherished loved ones, and an overall sense of joy and anticipation. This joyful time of year, as we significantly ramp up our pavement sweeping and commercial cleaning services to accomodate the greatly […]
The Top 8 Reasons To Contract Construction Sweepers

There are many great reasons to contract with a professional power sweeping company for construction site cleanup. These range from realizing a savings of time and money by utilizing the much more efficient cleaning effectiveness of a skilled operator operating state of the art equipment to enhancing and simplifying environmental regulatory compliance, among other considerations. […]
Fall Is Coming! Are Your Paved Surfaces Ready?

Now August has drawn to a close and the Labor Day weekend beckons, the signs that summer is almost over are everywhere. Retail stores have already begun to stock Halloween decorations and Pumkin Spice flavored foods and beverages are already featured on menu boards nationwide. While the official start of Autumn is a few weeks […]