Is It Time To Re-stripe?
Stripes and other traffic markings in your parking lots that are crisp and clear is one of the most immediately reliable ways to give a fresh appearance to your paved surfaces. If you are not sure whether fresh parking lot striping is the best move, consider your aesthetic objectives. Here are three good indicators that […]
Fall Is Coming! Are Your Paved Surfaces Ready?
Now August has drawn to a close and the Labor Day weekend beckons, the signs that summer is almost over are everywhere. Retail stores have already begun to stock Halloween decorations and Pumkin Spice flavored foods and beverages are already featured on menu boards nationwide. While the official start of Autumn is a few weeks […]
Why Regular Power Sweeping Is The Recommended Practice For All Kinds Of Facilities
The signs of summer are all around us. Hot weather, humidity, outdoor activities and thunderstorms are all part of this season. As the season continues, these thunderstorms can lead to brief periods of very heavy rains. Trash, litter, and debris can clog storm drains and potentially make flooding fromthis fast accumulating summer precipitation much worse. […]
The Problem With Deferred Maintenance
Deferred Maintenance refers to the practice of postponing necessary maintenance, repairs, upgrades & replacements until some future date. Maintenance and repairs can be deferred for any number of reasons, but the most common causes are the lack of budgeted funds or manpower to cover the project. The brutal irony of deferred maintenance is that while […]
For The Sweeping Industry, Earth Day Is Every Day
April is a month of transition, with warmer weather and flowers blooming in the landscape replacing the drab winter landscape. April has many important observances including Earth Day on April 22nd. Earth Day has special resonance to those of us employed in the power pavement sweeping industry. This is because we are aware of the […]