Why Regular Power Sweeping Is The Recommended Practice For All Kinds Of Facilities

The signs of summer are all around us. Hot weather, humidity, outdoor activities and thunderstorms are all part of this season. As the season continues, these thunderstorms can lead to brief periods of very heavy rains. Trash, litter, and debris can clog storm drains and potentially make flooding fromthis fast accumulating summer precipitation much worse. […]
The Problem With Deferred Maintenance

Deferred Maintenance refers to the practice of postponing necessary maintenance, repairs, upgrades & replacements until some future date. Maintenance and repairs can be deferred for any number of reasons, but the most common causes are the lack of budgeted funds or manpower to cover the project. The brutal irony of deferred maintenance is that while […]
Lesser Known Road Sweeping Benefits

Most people believe that the only purpose of road sweeping is to remove dirt, debris and leaves from a street or other paved surface. While litter and debris removal is very important, the purpose and benefits of street sweeping go well beyond simple cleanliness. The Benefits of Road Sweeping The overall benefits of road sweeping […]
Warehouse Sweeping & Scrubbing

Clean Floors Have Multiple Benefits Periodic, scheduled floor sweeping and scrubbing is an integral part of preventative maintenance and maintaining positive employee morale. Employees’ personal pride in the workplace and care for the facility is often tied to how well maintained you keep the workplace – including the floors. Regularly scheduled sweeping and scrubbing of […]
Why Sweeping Regularly?

Have you traveled to an area that had dirty, debris covered roads? Have you ever pulled into a parking lot that was strewn with trash? Regardless of any visible natural beauty in the same area, you were no doubt fixated on the unsightly trash covering the pavement around you. Sadly, there are municipalities and businesses […]
Sweeper Rental Considerations

Sweeper Bare Rental Renting a power sweeper, or requesting a bare rental, without an operator might sound like a good idea and may be the right choice for you based on your unique circumstances. However, there are numerous reasons to consider why not to rent a sweeper and to instead hire a professional sweeping company […]
For The Sweeping Industry, Earth Day Is Every Day

April is a month of transition, with warmer weather and flowers blooming in the landscape replacing the drab winter landscape. April has many important observances including Earth Day on April 22nd. Earth Day has special resonance to those of us employed in the power pavement sweeping industry. This is because we are aware of the […]
What Are Porter Services?

As a business owner with a business frequented by customers, you may find yourself in need of Porter Services. If you are unfamiliar with commercial services, you might find yourself asking questions like, “What are porter services, What will they do for my business, and do I really need these services?” A good day porter […]
Specialized Equipment Plus Well Trained Operators Equals Better Sweeping Results

Street sweepers and their operators have reached a new level of sophistication and efficiency. This is primarily due to more advanced technologies and a focus on training. At Smith Property Services, we have been hard at work continually updating our trucks and ensuring our drivers are well trained. It is our goal to have up […]
Welcome Our Newest Smith Property Services Family Member!

It is with great pleasure that Smith Property Services would like to introduce the latest addition to our SPS family! Meet Rita! Rita is a nine week old AKC chocolate lab puppy born on Halloween. She comes to us from Holleigh Brook Labradors in Westport, Massachusetts. Her proud new dog father is William M Smith, […]